New Season


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This week, HOME MCR unveiled an exciting lineup of shows for Autumn / Winter 2024. There is a diverse array of productions, with West End hits, groundbreaking new works, engaging family-friendly shows and a festive spectacular. We’ve pulled together our top picks of productions that we’ll be aiming to see over the upcoming months.

My Son’s a Queer, (But What Can You Do?) - 19 to 25 August

Rob Madge is social media royalty, thanks to their hilarious videos showing the Disney parades they created at home. This show is an autobiography of Rob’s life, and takes the audience on a journey through Rob’s experiences growing up queer, blending storytelling, comedy, and of course the home video clips that Rob is famous for. This is a celebration of individuality, but also a touching tribute to the power of unconditional love and acceptance.

The show has already been a smash-hit on the West End stage, but this production will mark Rob’s Manchester debut and takes place during Manchester Pride.

I Bought a Flip Phone - 11 to 14 September

Panos Kandunias presents a heartfelt exploration of modern digital burnout. For his 27th birthday, Charlie buys a flip phone to stop himself wasting hours looking at an endless stream of people whose lives look better than his own. The show covers loneliness, technology addiction, and feeling as though you are waiting for your life to start. We’re all guilty of spending too long on our phones, so this promises to be a thought-provoking piece of theatre.

Two of Us - 26 to 28 September

In 1976, Paul McCartney paid an unannounced visit to John Lennon’s New York apartment. This would be the last time that the childhood friends, and global superstars, would meet. Two of Us is an imagined retelling of their final meeting, based on the screenplay by Mark Stanfield. The production offers a moving exploration of friendship, fame, and forgiveness. We’re sure this will be a compelling exploration of what it means to truly understand, and be understood by, another person.

Wrestleladswrestle - 3 to 12 October

Inspired by Jenni Jackson’s Bolivian Mother, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and wrestling, this brand new show by the acclaimed artist and choreographer sees Jackson confront and reimagine a racist incident she witnessed her mother endure. The production explosively combines theatre, dance, pro-wrestling, and even judo as Jackson draws on her own teenage career as the under 50kg British Judo Champion. This sounds like an absolutely unmissable event.

Feel Me.
Feel Me. - Image Credit: HOME MCR
Feel Me - 9 to 10 October

Immersive theatre is one of our favourite types of theatre production, so combining a stage show with audience interaction via mobile phone sounds fascinating. The show asks the audience who and what they care about from the stories unfolding live on the stage. The production is by The Paper Birds who are UK leaders in devised verbatim theatre, with this show being described as an interrogation of empathy.

Nowhere - 22 to 26 October

Actor and activist Khalid Abdalla brings an intricate and playful solo show inspired by his involvement in the Egyptian revolution of 2011. This was a huge world event, with Abdalla taking the audience on a surprising journey of his own history which sounds absolutely captivating.

Kin - 29 October to 2 November

Kin is a poignant dark-comedy written by Christine Mackie which looks at complex family dynamics. The production is a two-hander about sisters-in-law at a funeral of a man they both loved. We really enjoy two-handers, or small cast productions, as the shows are always absorbing.

After The Act - 12 to 16 November

Thatcher’s Section 28 legislation saw the banning of the “promotion” of homosexuality in schools. This was landmark legislation that silenced a generation. This brand-new musical shares the inspiring stories of those impacted by the legislation. The production promises to be funny, camp and unapologetically queer whilst also offering a clear-eyed exposure of the political playbook used to enact repressive laws. Not only does this piece sound hilarious, but this is also an important story to be told.

Miracle on 34th Street - 6 to 31 December

And finally, this Christmas there is a festive musical treat as Miracle on 34th Street takes the stage. This is another brand-new musical based on the classic Christmas tale of Susan and her mission to restore the world’s belief in Santa Claus after he is arrested in New York City. Directed by Sara Joyce and produced by HOME, this spectacular new show is not to be missed this festive season. Watching the 1994 film version starring Richard Attenborough and Mara Wilson is part of our Christmas traditions, so we absolutely will be going to watch this production!

These are just a small selection of the shows coming up at HOME. Full details of all of the upcoming shows can be found on their website, along with tickets for shows.

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