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Buffy Revamped

The Lowry


Buffy Revamped is a one man show by Brendon Murphy that covers all 7 seasons of the cult classic Buffy The Vampire Slayer in just 70 minutes. With Murphy taking on the role of Spike, the exploits of The Slayer, the Scooby Gang, plus various bad guys are re-told.

We had no idea what to expect ahead of the show, but I (Jo) am a massive Buffy fan and re-watch the entire 7 seasons (The Body episode aside!) at least once a year. So wearing my finest Sunnydale High t-shirt, we went to The Lowry with a mix of trepidation and excitement. Andy isn’t the biggest Buffy fan, and definitely falls into the casual viewer category, so there was a fear that he wouldn’t enjoy it. We didn’t need to worry though, as this show was spectacular.